
My Story

I am a mid-west via DC lady (This is a photo of me and my soon-to-be husband, Johnny). 

When I first came out to the big city, I came because I got a great job opportunity working for the government.  I quickly learned that government life really wasn't for me and ended up working for a really great private organization whose sole mission is to help clients find keynote speakers for their main event.  It is a very rewarding job and I really love how every day is different.

Now, while I do love what I do at work - it is an organization that LOVES to bring sweets and cookies into the office.  And, I was the kind of girl that could not resist a good sweet, especially at the 3pm hour when I was already about to crash. 

Well - you add the cookies at the office, mixed with the changes taking place in my life (moving, bad relationships, etc) and no exercise... well - I ended up gaining nearly 30 pounds over 5 years time.  This was a true detriment to me mentally, physically and emotionally. 

From the mental perspective - I started noticing that my energy levels were low and I just wasn't satisfied by anything I was doing in my life. 

From the physical perspective, my pants weren't fitting me well, I had terrible back pain, my blood pressure was extremely high, and my self esteem was really low.

From the emotional perspective - I just wasn't happy with myself and incredibly depressed.

So what motivated me to make a change?  Two things:

November of 2013, my sister had been going through her own health issues and she introduced me to the program FOCUS T25.  She told me that she had been doing it for a while and that it was a really great program.  I could tell that the weight was coming off of her and so I was certainly intrigued.  While I wasn't really ready to commit to anything, I ordered it.  30 day money back guarantee right?  Well - the first week into it, I ended up quitting it. Looking back on it, I think it was because I was doing it alone and I was not eating the right foods.  So I just ended up quitting.

A day or two after Christmas, I came across a very inspirational and motivating person named: Alex Keen who is the Founder of Because I said I would.  It is a social movement and nonprofit organization dedicated to bettering humanity through the power of a promise. To encourage positive change and acts of kindness, they send promise cards to anywhere in the world at no cost. People use these cards to remember the importance of their word, for promises both big and small. Click here to see his TED Talk.

Well, it just so happened that he was doing a campaign about new year's resolutions and how they should not be called "resolutions" they should be called PROMISES.  Here is the video that changed me:

I don't know why it stuck, but it really did hit home for me.  I really liked this idea and so I decided that instead of making a new year's resolution, I was going to make myself a PROMISE.  I don't break or make promises I can't keep - so on DECEMBER 31, 2013 I made MYSELF the following promise:

"I promise to lose the weight, get back to my healthy & fit self, and help others on their journey to live a healthy and active lifestyle.  Because I said I would."

By making this promise, the universe opened up doors for me.  I began my FOCUS T25 program for a second time, got a great coach, ordered Shakeology (which I will never stop drinking, it is the most amazing product ever), joined a challenge group, and stuck to a great nutrition plan! 

As of March 8, 2014 (which you can see on my STATurday blog posts), I lost 13 pounds after doing 10 weeks of FOCUS T25!  The voice inside my head that kept telling me to stop or quit is completely gone since I made that promise FOR ME.

I can tell you that I have learned so much about myself, health, nutrition, and what motivates me to keep going.  It is the primary reason why I decided to be come a beach body coach.  I love helping and teaching other people and I love being a part of something bigger than myself.

Does this sound like you too?  Do you want to get to that next step but aren't quite sure of where to start or how to get there?  Let me help you!  I am a nice person (PROMISE!) and I'm not out there to make sale - I genuinely just want to help people.  It's why I'm a coach and you get me for FREE!  :) This is my purpose.  This is what I was meant to do.

So I have a question for you...

What promise would YOU make to YOURSELF right now?  Would you stick to it?

Please send me your promise in an e-mail - I'd love to connect with you and help you achieve your goals!

Yours in health and happiness,
Coach Melissa


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