
Saturday, February 15, 2014

STATurday: My Journey with T25 and Shakeology

Well - it's my check in week for STATurday!  The good news is that I didn't gain and I didn't lose.  I am at the same weight as I was last week.  With Valentine's Day treats and the Pizza that I had last night for dinner with my fiancĂ©e, I am actually pretty pleased with this scale result!

While I didn't lose weight on the scale, I can tell that I've gained muscle since my body fat percentage went down from 36.3% to an even 36%.  That is awesome!  That is why I stress the importance of taking measurements in other ways (other than just the scale).  The scale doesn't give you the whole picture!  Check out this YouTube Link on how to take the proper measurements and keep track of your progress: 

And if you haven't done so already, you should become a member on Team Beach  Body - they have a GREAT feature that allows you to keep track of your progress and goals.  As you can see here, I have been measuring myself roughly every 14 days.  It keeps things nice and organized and really gets you excited to see all that hard work paying off!  Sign up for FREE Membership on Team Beach Body's website.  Here is the link:  FREE Beachbody Membership

Thanks so much for following me on this transformational journey with T25 and Shakeology. I am really loving the program, the support I'm getting from my own coach and the people on Team Beach Body, along with my challenge groups on Facebook! 

My hope is that someone reads this and gets inspired to make a change in their life as well - I am so happy I made this choice and am enjoying the ride!

Stay tuned for my full STATs next STATurday!  I like to post pictures up every 14 days to be in line with my measurements and can't wait to see next week's photos!

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