
Monday, June 2, 2014

MOTIVATION MONDAY: You are what you eat

I love Mondays. I always feel like Mondays are a great way to start over.  Sometimes I look forward to Mondays so much that I tend to over eat on the weekends because I know that Monday is my start over day.

Does this sound like you too?

If it does then you were someone like me who was going back-and-forth between the yo-yo dieting and the exercising and never really understanding the concept of clean eating.  Clean eating is a lifestyle change.  It is something that you can't expect to have happen overnight.  For me, it took me nearly 2 months to fully understand and grasp the concept of eating 5 to 6 mini meals a day and exercising 30 minutes or more a day.  What did it for me?  I immediately started to know the difference in how I felt and how my mood was a direct correlation to the food that I put into my body that day.

You know the saying, "you are what you eat"?  Well it appears that this concept is actually very right on and to the point.  Some of us will eat away our feelings and go to the freezer for that ice cream sandwich even though we aren't hungry or really need it.  I've even been there, it happened just yesterday!  We all have ups and downs when it comes to our eating and our exercising throughout the week.   But the important thing to remember out of everything is that we ultimately "are what we eat".  I don't know why this concept isn't pushed on us more often because I certainly would be making different choices if I look at food and "think oh my gosh I am what I eat".  Maybe I won't go for that greasy doughnut that's full of sugar and will probably make my pancreas work twice as hard just to keep me normal! Make sure that when you go for that doughnut or you go for that piece of cake that you really do think about whether or not you're actually hungry for it or if you just want to taste it because it'll bring you some happiness in a split moment. What are you really hungry for?  Perhaps it's more companionship or someone to talk to you about an issue that happened at work.  What is the underlying reason that you are moving towards that food?

This is just some food for thought on Monday. I wanted to share a great visual of dieting versus clean eating - sometimes seeing the changes that take place within your body in a visual format can help give you a clearer understanding of why it is that we gain weight and lose weight.  I don't know about you, but for the longest time I was on the yo-yo diet plan.

I used to do South Beach, "the low-carb diet" and even Weightwatchers and then I'd eventually gain all the weight I had lost back again.  If this sounds like you too, then look no further. Beachbody and Clean eating is the way to go as it will help you and keep you on the healthy track for life!  I love the fact that I don't have to pay for gym memberships anymore and that I merely have to roll out of bed every morning, turn on my beach body program and begin my work out for the day followed by a wonderful clean eating meal plan for the full week.  It is a lifestyle change and it took me a long time to get to this place in my life.  However if I can do it, I know that you can do it.  This is a lifestyle change!  

This is merely some food for thought as you begin this week. If you ever have any questions or would like any advice please don't hesitate to contact me via email at

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