
Thursday, July 24, 2014

Healthy and Portable High Protein Snacks - For Those Ladies (and Gents) Always On The Go!

Whether it’s fueling up before hitting the gym or taking a midday snack break to avoid the 3 p.m. lull, high-protein snacks are the tastiest way to keep on going. Protein snacks are the perfect way to fill up just enough, and give us longer-lasting energy than the usual, carb-heavy options.

Here are some of my favorite high-protein healthy snacks!

1) For those ladies that are always on the go and traveling, look for Beef or Turkey Jerky.  Be careful to avoid sodium- and sugar-filled brands, but low-sodium, natural, or lightly-flavored options are a great source of protein. A one-ounce serving (the size of most single-serve packs) contains about 9 grams of protein! This chewy snack is also super portable and keeps fresh for months when packed properly. 

2) Delicious and addictive, these are my favorite go to!  Mixed Nuts or Trail Mix provide an easy way to get a delicious dose of protein in a convenient, shelf-stable package. Try a mixed bunch for variety and a combo with dried fruit for some added sweetness. The best bang for your protein buck? Almonds and pistachios. They're higher in protein than their nutty peers!

3) Pumpkin Seeds!  Ya know, those orange gourds aren’t just for Halloween. Pumpkin insides, scooped out to make room for spooky faces, can actually make a healthy little snack once they’re washed, dried, and nicely roasted. Just 1/2 cup of pumpkin seeds has about 14 grams of protein, making it the perfect pre-workout snack!  Here is a great healthy recipe if you want to try it this weekend:

4) Inexpensive and loaded with nutrients, eggs are one of the best ways to get a healthy dose of protein. Try hard boiling and pre-peeling a dozen at the start of the week and throw one in a small Tupperware container each day for an easy on-the-go snack. (Feeling extra famished? Slice the egg and place it on a piece of whole-wheat bread.) 

5)  I LOVE these!  Ever made Deli Roll-ups?!  Top 2 slices of deli meat (turkey, chicken, or roast beef work great) with 1 slice of cheese and a shake of pepper. Add a slice of tomato or some lettuce for extra veggie points!

6) When it comes to protein shakes, the best and MOST HEALTHY one out on the market (trust me, I've done the research) is Shakeology.  My favorites recipe? The "Almond Madness" 1 scoop chocolate vegan shakeology, 1 tbsp Almond Butter, 1 cup unsweetened Almond Milk, 1/2 cup ice blended until smooth. YUM!  

7) These little guys are EVERYWHERE!  You can even find them at airports if you're someone that is always traveling.  While I'm not a huge supporter of prepackaged bars, I like to make an exception for KIND bars. Their classic varieties are a great source of protein thanks to their all-nut base (with around 5 grams per bar), but for an even higher dose of the good stuff, try KIND Plus varieties. 

8) No, I'm not going back to preschool. But chocolate milk is actually a great source of high-quality protein (especially post-workout). Try keeping a single-serving, shelf-stable box in your gym bag or backpack for snack attack emergencies—just try to find one that’s also low in sugar!

9) Ever made Grape-and-Cheese Sticks?  Dice a half-inch thick slice of cheddar cheese into squares (you should end up with about 6 small pieces) and rinse 6 grapes. On 6 toothpicks, stack the grape and cheese, and enjoy! Just 1 ounce of sharp cheddar offers 8 grams of protein, and the contrast with sweet grapes is super sophisticated (and delicious).  It should look as follows:

10) You can find these in airports as well, just visit a Starbucks or Cafe, they always have these readily available for purchase and they are HIGH in protein.  You know what I'm talking about, it's those Perfect Little Parfaits!  Top 1/2 cup nonfat Greek yogurt with a handful of fruit (fresh or frozen) and a drizzle of honey. Add 2 tablespoons of toasted oats for a protein-packed crunch!

I hope this helps you all as you continue on your journey!  

For more ideas or tricks, feel free to reach out to me at

1 comment:

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