
Sunday, August 3, 2014

STATurday - My Journey with PiYo and Shakeology

As I'm going through Week 3 of PiYo, I am already noticing that those certain excersizes that were hard last week, this week they are so much easier.  That is always a great sign to me.  I feel stronger and am able to hold poses and really dig deeper.

I will say, this week I have not lost or gained weight.  Good sign to me though.  Why you may ask?  My lead diamond coach, Katie Hefner, explains it this way:

"From my friend, nutritionist & NPC Bikini athlete, Erin “Many people reach a plateau after about 3 weeks because they have temporarily gained water weight while they are still losing body fat. The fat you are hoping to lose must be used for energy. 

To use it...your body must combine it with oxygen (oxidize it) to make carbon dioxide and water. These compounds are heavier than the fat they are made of because oxygen has been added to them. The carbon dioxide will be exhaled quickly, but the water takes longer to leave the cells. This excess water creates a TEMPORARY weight gain, BUT that will eventually go away. 

Not many people understand this process, so they give up on the healthy adjustments they’ve made to their lifestyle after 2-3 weeks because they think it’s not working. Stick with it”

So clearly, I'm not going to just quit.  My body is going through changes and I can tell by the way my clothes for better.  Especially my jeans, I am going to have to go shopping here again soon. 

The above photo is one of my favorites from my yoga teacher training. I look at it every morning. I think this quote is so fitting for this as well.  It is a great reminder on the person I want to and strive to be.

I have faith and trust that this program will continue to work.  It makes me happy, I sleep well, and I feel great. But most of all, I believe in myself.  I know I can do it and I look forward to seeing more results in the coming weeks. It is going to be a lot more work, but it will be hard work that is well worth it. 

I hope you can join me on the journey in one of my upcoming challenge groups!  If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out at

Here is to health and happiness,

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