The Beginning For Me:
My journey with Kundalini Yoga began nearly 4 years ago when I first moved out the DC area. I was not happy in my government job and needed a way to release the stress and tensions I had been holding onto since graduating from college. Since Flow Yoga classes were not available by the time I got out of work - Kundalini yoga was my only option. It was fate.
I will never forget my first Kundalini class. The teacher was wearing all white and had such a happy spirit - you could feel the positive energy. She had told me that the purpose of the class that day was to release the emotional blockages in your body, to release those emotions and feelings that you've been holding on to for too long. When you finally learn to let go, new experiences will come into your life. Well - she was right because something shifted inside of me that day and I realized I had been holding on to so much anger and sadness from my parent's divorce from 7 years earlier that I had never truly released it. I cried so hard that first class because the movements had triggered all the suppressed emotions! Once I released it all - I felt so much better.
After that first experience - I kept going back after that and every class was completely different and worked on different areas of the body and energy portals (Chakras). I was amazed by the experiences I was having with this kind of yoga. It was truly freeing.
After only about 2 weeks of doing Kundalini Yoga - changes started manifesting in my own life. Opportunities started to appear when I least expected them. People started entering into my life. Job opportunities started popping up. Relationships started shifting and I started to realize the power of this practice.
What is Kundalini Yoga?
The way I see it - Kundalini Yoga is an essential tool. It provides you with ways to fix the blockages within your own body so that you can bring about the things you desire in your own life. By working on the body, you're re-tuning yourself and your thoughts - which in turn, brings about positive changes within your life.
We get so caught up in the little things - this yoga practice really helps you become more aware and provides you with a new perspective on life. That is its primary objective - to awaken the full potential of human awareness in each individual; that is, recognize our awareness, refine that awareness, and expand that awareness to our unlimited Self. We work to clear any inner duality, create the power to deeply listen, cultivate inner stillness, and prosper and deliver excellence in all that we do.
What is the structure of a Kundalini Yoga Class?
Kundalini Yoga is a practice that has different elements. We use asanas (postures), pranayama (breathing techniques), mantras, relaxation and meditation.
Tune in with mantras
We begin our practice with the Adi Mantra “Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo.” This mantra links us to a golden chain of masters and saints through which the teachings are transmitted. It connects us to the infinite spark of consciousness inside ourselves. It sets up a sacred space for our practice and helps to guide our practice with awareness.
We also chant the mantra "Aad Gureh Nameh, Jugaad Gureh Nameh, Sat Gureh Nameh, Siri Guru Day Vay Nameh". This mantra clears doubts and opens us to guidance. It gives us protection for our practice.
Warm ups
After we have tuned in with the mantras, we prepare our bodies for the practice with a variety of warm ups.
We then practice a kriya. Kriya means completed action. A Kriya will have postures, breath, mantras, a point of focus and relaxation that are brought together in a specific sequence, which will bring a specific result. A Kriya removes the blocks and brings about a state of spontaneous flow. There are thousands of kriyas to choose from which work on all aspects of the body, mind, emotions and soul.
At the end of the kriya, students are guided into a state of relaxation, which helps them integrate the benefits of the kriya.
After relaxation, we practice meditation. Once again there are many different meditations to practice to help train the mind to the infinite.
Finally, we end the class with a prayer called the Long Time Sun:
May the longtime sun shine upon you
All love surround you
And the pure light within you
Guide your way on
We then repeat Sat Nam (Truth is my identity) three times.
What makes Kundalini Yoga unique (that is, different from other styles/schools of yoga)?
It’s efficiency and effectiveness—its power. Kundalini Yoga is quick. Because it’s a system built for the householder, the changes you want to affect in your life happen much more quickly with Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan® than many other styles of yoga. It’s variety of techniques and meditations is enormous, allowing the instructor to tailor programs that support the individual and her goals. It’s a safe way to stimulate the body’s natural resources and become healthy, happy, and holy—in body, mind and spirit. It’s a proven path to the Self and the Soul—to an experience of your highest destiny.
To learn more about Kundalini Yoga - take a look at these popular spots:
1) 3HO -
2) Kundalini Research Institute -
3) Spirit Voyage -
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