Monday, March 31, 2014

MOTIVATION MONDAY: Excuses, Get Rid of Them

In life, we make a lot excuses:

- I was too busy this week
- I had a long day
- I am too tired
- I didn't get up to workout because it was still dark outside.

What it really comes down to is that whatever goal you keep creating an excuse for, is really not a priority to you right now.  Think about that a second.  You're not making yourself a priority!  When you make that mentle shift and start to think differently about an excuse and what it really means deep down - you will find that every excuse comes down to you just not making it a priority.  

I thought this poster above was the perfect example of what we say to others and what it really comes down to what's happening with ourselves.  The heart of the matter... 

So my motivation for you today is this:  do you want a healthy, happy and pure life where you're willing to make THAT a priority in your life?  If so, then knock it off with the excuses and JUST DO IT!  Make that promise to yourself - make YOURSELF a priority! 

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Is it BETTER or WORSE to workout on an empty stomach?

I had an interesting conversation with my Mom the other day about this very question.  It’s a debate where I've heard both sides of the story: Is it better or worse to work out on an empty stomach?

I think I have found the final answer.

Well, not the final answer. Different people work out best under different circumstances, and deciding whether someone should eat before training can be like telling them what time of day to work out or which diet they should follow—it largely depends on what works best for the individual. But it is time to dismantle some old myths.

According to my findings and contrary to popular belief, fasting before a workout can actually be beneficial to your health and losing weight!  Check it out.

Optimizing Hormones (Fast)

If the fact that Huge Jacked-man practiced intermittent fasting to gain muscle for his latest Wolverine
movie isn’t convincing enough, consider this: An empty stomach triggers a cascade of hormonal changes throughout the body that are surprisingly conducive to both building muscle and burning fat.

The fasted state produces two significant effects:
1. Improved insulin sensitivity. Put very simply, the body releases insulin (a hormone) when we eat to help us absorb the nutrients from our food. The hormone then takes the sugars out of our bloodstream and directs them to the liver, muscles, and fat cells to be used as energy later on. The trouble is that eating too much and too often can make us more resistant to insulin’s effects, and while poor insulin sensitivity ups the risk of heart disease and cancer, it also makes it harder to lose body fat. Eating less frequently (i.e. fasting more regularly) is one way to help remedy the issue, that makes it easier to lose fat, improves blood flow to muscles, and even curbs the impact of an unhealthy diet.
because it results in the body releasing insulin less often, so we become more sensitive to it—and

2. The second reason a good old-fashioned fast can promote muscle gain and fat loss comes down to growth hormone (GH), a magical elixir of a hormone that helps the body make new muscle tissue, burn fat, and improve bone quality, physical function, and longevity. Along with regular weight training and proper sleep, fasting is one of the best ways to increase the body’s GH: One study showed that 24 hours without food increases the male body’s GH production by 2,000 percent (!!!), and 1,300 percent in women. The effect ends when the fast does, which is a compelling reason to fast regularly in order to keep muscle-friendly hormones at their highest levels.

We can’t speak of muscle-friendly hormones without bringing up testosterone. Testosterone helps increase muscle mass and reduce body fat while also improving energy levels, boosting libido, and even combating depression and heart problems—in both men and women. Fasting alone may not have any effect on testosterone, but there is a surprisingly simple way to produce large amounts of both “T” and growth hormone at the same time, creating an optimal environment for building muscle and torching fat: Exercising while fasted.

The Fast Way to Improve Performance

Exercise, especially intense exercise that uses a lot of muscles (think compound movements like deadlifts and squats) causes a big surge in testosterone—which is why it can make good sense to combine exercise and fasting. Many studies have found that training in a fasted state is a terrific way to build lean mass and boost insulin sensitivity, not just because of the nifty hormonal responses, but also because it makes the body absorb the post-workout meal more efficiently.

In short, fasted training helps to ensure that carbs, protein, and fats go to the right places in the body and are stored only minimally as body fat.  Exercising on an empty stomach has been shown to be especially great for fat loss, and it’s even been shown that people who train while fasted become progressively better at burning fat at higher levels of intensity (possibly because of an increase in fat-oxidizing enzymes).

Not interested in training like a bodybuilder? There are also potential benefits for endurance athletes, since fasted workouts can improve muscle glycogen storage efficiency (say that three times fast!). What that means, basically,  is that running on empty can make the body better at using its energy stores. The occasional fasted training session can improve the quality of “fed” workouts (or races) later on.

In a nutshell: When the body learns to exert itself without any food, it gets better at performing when it does have fuel in the tank.

Now, we would be remiss if we didn’t acknowledge that some studies have shown impaired performance as a result of fasted exercise. That said, many of these studies are of Ramadan fasts, which don’t allow the consumption of fluids (which is not advisable when engaging in athletic activities). Still, the prevalence of people who do eat before exercise is pretty good evidence that exercising after eating can work. Heck, there are even studies showing that eating before exercise can lead to fewer calories consumed throughout the day. But that doesn’t discredit the evidence that fasted workouts, even if occasional, can reap a lot of benefits.

So You Want to Fast Before Exercise? Your Action Plan

I know what you’re thinking. “I can’t handle intense exercise without food in my belly!” Firstly, give yourself a little credit! You’re capable of more than you think with the right frame of mind. Secondly, there are several tips you can follow to help you out with this new approach to eating:
  • You can consume more than just water. Feel free to quell cravings and get an energy boost with black coffee, plain tea, Shakeology, or any kind of drink or supplement that’s virtually calorie-free.
  • Break your fast whenever you'd like. A lot of people like their first meal right after exercising, since the fast improves the absorption of the post-workout meal, but it’s actually no big deal if the fast lasts for a while longer. Even if you exercise in the morning and don’t eat until the evening, the wave of growth hormone you’ll be riding all day should prevent any muscle loss. However you decide to approach this, your body’s got you covered.
  • Eat as many meals as you'd like. Note: We didn't say as many calories as you like. But it’s not necessary to eat many meals throughout the day. Despite some long-held myths that the body can only absorb a certain amount of protein at a time, we're completely capable of digesting the day's intake in one big meal (of course, this doesn’t mean that you need to!). Studies have shown that doing so results in no strength or muscle loss, and some have even shown that concentrating food intake into one or two meals each day can be a better way to build lean muscle mass. A lot of protein just takes longer to digest and be utilized, but it still gets digested. Even after eating a normal-sized meal, amino acids are still being released into the bloodstream and absorbed into the muscles five hours after eating.  So play around with the feeding times and styles that work best for you.
The short of it: Metabolism and the digestive system are simply not as temperamental as some might believe.

The Takeaway

Eating is perhaps the most ingrained habit we have, and humans are well and truly creatures of habit. Disrupting that habit by skipping a meal or two can be profoundly difficult for some people (particularly those who have wrestled with disordered eating). It’s true that intermittent fasting takes some getting used to as the body learns not to expect food so frequently. That discomfort usually does pass, but if fasting just isn’t for you, then there’s no need to keep it up—just don’t be afraid to try it out. It is just one approach to health and fitness, and certainly not the only one that can get you results.

But myths and misconceptions do need to be dispelled, and this blog entry is here to say this: In general, there is no need to eat before exercise. If you feel better when you do, then by all means, keep it up! However if choking down a pre-workout banana or bowl of oatmeal is a dreary chore that you only do because it’s supposed to help you avoid muscle loss/fat gain/growing antlers, then it’s time to relax. You’re completely free to eat whenever you want. Just listen to your body—it’s got you taken care of.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

STATurday: My Journey with P90x3 and Shakeology

Happy STATurday!  This week has been great!  I managed to complete my 3rd week of P90x3 and next week (week 4) starts the transition period into Block 2.  Here is a break-down of the Classic P90x3 schedule that I'm doing.

However, I am trying to figure out the best way to go about the beginning of Block 2, as my fiancée and I will be in Sanibel, FL next weekend looking at wedding venues and hopefully picking a date (I AM SO EXCITED!).  I won't be able to share my STATs with you next weekend, but I will be posting some pictures of our time in Sanibel!  :)

This leads me to a question:
Do those of you that go on vacation still keep up with your workouts?  Or do you take the time to rest, relax, and enjoy your time away from the routine?  I feel like I want to do a mix of both!  haha!

The more I think about it though, I really don't want to go backwards from all the hard work I've put into myself these last 3 months - so I will be bringing the P90x3 workbook with me so that I can still do the workouts in the morning.  They are only 30 minutes, that is doable to me.  Which leads me to the other nice thing about the P90x3 program, it comes with a nice work out booklet that gives you all the exercises per routine so that you can still do them on the go (you don't have to bring the DVDs!).  Maybe I'll be able to get my fiancée to do them with me.  :)


My Current STATS

So the good news is I have STOPPED gaining;  that 1 pound I gained last week from muscle, is completely GONE this week.  I am actually back down to 152 pounds (WOOT, WOOT!).  This is a big indicator to me that I LOST 1 pound of body fat.  I am also noticing that my stomach has gone down a LOT. 

The cool thing about this workout is that you not only SEE the change in your body, but you start to FEEL the changes in your body.  When I am activating my core in these workouts, I can actually feel those new muscles WORKING and I'm visually SEEING the results from the abs that are forming!

I look forward to seeing my results at the end of Week 4!

P90x3 Stories

I wanted to share some great transformational stories with you from other P90x3 and Shakeology users - check it out!


Upcoming Challenge Groups & Nutrition Programs

Be sure to check out my upcoming challenges for this year on my Challenge Group page.  Starting April 14th, I will be trying the 21 Day Fix program and am looking for 5 people to be part of my Challenge Test Group and being part of this journey with me! 

Check out this video for further information on the 21 Day Fix:
Feel free to send me a message via FB or e-mail at and I'd be happy to send you more details about the program. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

RECIPE WEDNESDAY: Mexican Vegetarian Quiche

I found this great recipe on!  This healthy quiche recipe is perfect for entertaining—the quiche can be made ahead and is just as flavorful served warm or at room temperature. Filled with cherry tomatoes, pickled jalapeños, Jack cheese and caramelized onions, this healthy quiche with a whole-grain crust is perfect for breakfast or brunch, or served with a light salad for lunch.

Makes: 8 servings
Serving Size: 1 slice
Active Time:
Total Time:


  1. To prepare crust: Whisk whole-wheat flour and all-purpose flour with salt in a medium bowl. Cut butter into small pieces; using your fingers, quickly rub the butter into the dry ingredients until smaller but still visible.
  2. Add sour cream and oil; toss with a fork to combine with the dry ingredients. Sprinkle 2 tablespoons of ice water over the mixture. Toss with a fork until evenly moist; if the mixture seems dry, add up to 1 more tablespoon water. Knead the dough in the bowl a few times—the mixture may still be a little crumbly—then firmly press into a disk. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 1 hour.
  3. Preheat oven to 375°F. Coat a 9-inch pie pan with cooking spray.
  4. Heat oil in a medium skillet over high heat. Add onions and 1/8 teaspoon salt; cook, stirring frequently, until the onions start to brown, 3 to 5 minutes. Add water, reduce heat to low and cook, stirring frequently, until the onions are golden brown and very soft, about 15 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool while you roll out the crust.
  5. Place the dough on a sheet of parchment or wax paper and roll into a 12- to 13-inch circle, dusting the top with a little flour, as needed. (If chilled more than 1 hour, let the dough stand at room temperature for 5 minutes before rolling.) Place the prepared pie pan upside down in the center of the dough. Holding one hand on top of the pan and the other hand underneath the paper, flip pan and dough over so the dough is lining the pan. Remove the paper and patch any tears in the dough. Trim the crust so it evenly overhangs the edge by about 1 inch, then tuck the edges under at the rim and crimp with your fingers or a fork.
  6. Spread the caramelized onions in the bottom of the crust. Layer corn, tomatoes and jalapeños over the onions. Top with cheese. Whisk eggs, egg whites, milk, sour cream, pepper and the remaining 1/4 teaspoon salt in a medium bowl. Pour the mixture into the crust.
  7. Bake the quiche until puffed and firm when touched in the center, 40 to 50 minutes. Let cool on a wire rack for 15 minutes. To serve, cut into 8 pieces.

Tips & Notes

Make Ahead Tip: Cover and refrigerate caramelized onions (Step 4) for up to 3 days.


Per serving: 273 calories; 14 g fat (6 g sat, 6 g mono); 113 mg cholesterol; 26 g carbohydrates; 0 g added sugars; 5 g total sugars; 11 g protein; 3 g fiber; 333 mg sodium; 265 mg potassium.  
Nutrition Bonus: Vitamin C (24% daily value), Iron (16% dv)
Carbohydrate Servings: 2
Exchanges: 1 starch, 1 vegetable, 1/2 medium-fat meat, 2 fat

Monday, March 24, 2014

Motivation Monday: Quotes by Paulo Coehlo!

If you have never read the book "The Alchemist" or any of the other great books written by Paulo Cohelo, you really need to.  They are easy reads and leave your soul with a message about life and leave you feeling inspired.  Some of my favorite motivational and inspiring quotes from his books are below.  Enjoy!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

STATurday: My Journey with P90x3 and Shakeology

Today was an amazing day of yoga teacher training, so I am posting this up a little late - BUT - I have great news!  This STATurday, I am down another 1% in body fat, another 1 around the waist, and another 1 inch in the thighs - what a great start! 

One thing I WILL say though is don't expect to lose a ton of weight the first few weeks of this program - as you are lifting weights and really getting your body ready for the next phase.  I can tell that even though I am getting toned up and losing inches, I did gain 1 pound this week, which I am sure is muscle, considering all of my other stats went down.  This is why it is SO IMPORTANT to NOT ONLY measure your success on the scale but in other ways as well - such as taking measurements and photos.  It is a motivator to KEEP going and also a great way to look back and see HOW FAR you've come. 

Check out my new stats and photos!!! 

BUT, you know what the BEST part of it is?!?!  I AM GETTING ABS!!  I can't believe I had those underneath all that... well... ya know...FAT!!!  I am so excited - this is all happening to me just in time for SWIMSUIT Season!  WAHOO!!!!

So, back to the program...

I have really enjoyed my experience with P90x3 and drinking Shakeology over the course of these last 12 days and I look forward to seeing my 30 days results!  I am so thankful for all of the encouragement that I have received from my friends and family. 

I am also leading a 60 Day Accountability Group & Nutrition Challenge and the ladies in that group are UNBELIEVABLE!  They truly inspire me to keep doing what I'm doing.  It is so great to know that you're not alone in the journey and learn something from everyone who is going through it all with you too! 

If you're interested in being part of my 21 Day Fix Test Group starting April 14th - please let me know - send me an e-mail at and I'll be sure to send you more details.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

RECIPE WEDNESDAY: Honey Rosemary Chicken

I found a really great recipe off of "The Earth Diet" which falls beautifully into the Clean Eating lifestyle.  These are definitely going to be a staple in my home!  YUM!

Makes 10 skewers

1 pound  chicken breast (500g)
3 garlic cloves
5 tablespoons of honey
1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil
1 bunch of fresh rosemary (can use dried also)

Action:1. Chop The chicken into cubes. Dice the garlic. Pull the rosemary off the sticks and dice into small pieces
2. In a bowl stir the honey, garlic, olive oil and rosemary together! Add the chicken and let it soak for 4 hours (you can also just cook it right away, but soaking will have the chicken soak the flavors more!)
3. Put the chicken on skewers (You can use the rosemary sticks themselves!)
4. Cook them in olive oil, coconut oil or grill them until ready! Mmm enjoy!
5. Serve with potato wedges and salad!

·         High in protein
·         Antioxidants
·         Good for the brain
·         High in beta-carotene/Vitamin A, thiamin/Vitamin B1, riboflavin/Vitamin B2
          High in iron and calcium

Monday, March 17, 2014


NO-REGRET WORKOUT: No matter how big or small the workout, you’ll feel energized, strong, and confident afterward.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Clean Eating - It's a Lifestyle with Great Benefits!

Clean eating has completely transformed my life and really the only thing you need to get to understand the lifestyle is to focus on only shopping the outside parameter of the grocery store! 

When you start grocery shopping this way and living this way, you own your health. Your body will drop any excess weight, the goal becomes to be healthy, rather than focused on being thin. You nourish your body with nutrition everyday. Proper nutrition is the key.

One way to get nutrition everyday at an instant cellular level is to drink a pure fruit or vegetable juice.  If you don't have one yet, you should grab a Nutriblast!   I use mine every day and incorporate fresh spinach and berries into my Shakeology mix.  Shakeology already includes 70+ super foods my body needs to get through the day and I've already personally seen numerous changes from the way I look on the outside, to the way I feel on the inside.  My skin is clear ( no break-outs!) and my digestive system is working properly.  If you want more information, take a look at my website dedicated to everything Shakeology for further information.

The 2nd way is to eat more raw whole foods in their natural state. Eat less processed foods and cut out junk foods. The goal is to get nutrition at every meal and drink.

Cravings, addictions, disorders, diseases, viruses, cancer and other illnesses all get improved, if not entirely healed when we get high doses of nutrition. It's pure science and has been proven over and over again that proper nutrition creates a healthy body, and genetically engineered foods including chemicals and preservatives, can cause all types of health issues - that we rather not experience.

Health is bliss. 

Invest your money in taking care of you and your families. Purchase fresh produce from farmers markets, or grow your own, or support organic stores. Buy organic foods that give you energy and health. Invest in things that make you feel good - and whole!

With people living a natural and clean eating lifestyle, so many people achieve better health overall. Many lose excess weight, heal acne, psoriasis and other skin issues, treat depression, anxiety - the list goes on!

Living this way strengthens your  immune system and helps heal you from the inside out. Why? It is so so so simple, because of nutrition.

If you want to maintain your health and prevent it from hitting rock bottom with sickness or disease, then this lifestyle is for you!

I believe everyone should achieve great health. Nutrition is our access to achieving the kind of healthy bodies we all want. 

Stay tuned for some clean eating recipes!  I will be posting yummy ideas I've tried (or will soon be trying!) on here every Wednesday! 

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Saturday, March 15, 2014

STATurday: My Journey with P90x3 and Shakeology

Hi All and happy STATurday!

I started on Monday, March 10, 2014 the P90x3 series with Tony Horton and am continuing to drink Shakeology every day.  What a FUN trainer to work out with in the morning.  He is hilarious - if you're looking for someone who challenges you but who can also make you laugh mid-push-up - this is definitely the workout series for you.

I have to admit - getting the P90x3 program is really daunting at first.  It comes with all of the DVDs, a workout book that is rather thick to read and a bunch of things that you need to get before you can even start the training. became my friend last weekend, as I didn't have half of the stuff it needed.  So do keep this in mind if you're interested in ordering it!  For instance, you DO NEED a pull-up bar OR resistance bands for these workouts;  you need a series of weights (not just a 5 lbs dumbbell, like I have); you need yoga blocks (if you aren't that flexible, like me); and you  need a yoga mat.  At least I had the yoga mat covered!  :)

Check out the intro video to P90x3 - the results you get after 90 days is mind-blowing - I can't wait to see my own:

So here are my initial thoughts with the first week of the program: 
Day 1 - Total Synergistics was really intimidating - but I managed to get through it and again, Tony Horton's sense of humor really is enjoyable!  Every DVD comes with a "Cold Start" warm-up which I was super thankful for when I did the Day 2 Agility X work-out.  Holy cow!  I have never been so sore in the morning until after doing that DVD!  And Day 3 - Yoga X - was by far my favorite part of the week.  I knew all the yoga poses from my own teachings and practice and it was a treat for my incredibly sore body.  Day 4 involved The Challenge, which was incredibly challenging.  He makes
you do push ups and pull ups over and over and over again - you need to pick a number for each and make sure you try and hit that goal each rep.  Needless to say, after finishing that DVD, my arms were incredibly sore (it hurts me even to type this out).  Yesterday, I did CVX which was actually fun - lots of cardio WITH a weight in your hands.  I actually enjoyed it a lot and it gave me a good sweat.  This morning (Day 6), I am set to do The Warrior DVD, which is a series of strength training with your own body, no weights.  I will let you know how that goes once I finish that up.  Sundays will be my day off, but you do have the option with the program to take the day off OR do the Dynamix workout.  I can already tell this morning that my body will want to rest tomorrow, but I am going to go to a great Kundalini Yoga class - to help work through the soreness and meditate. 

When I weighed myself this morning, I didn't lose weight over these last 5 days, I am still the same as day one, but I have the feeling it is because of the new program.  FOCUS T25 did this to me too the first week and then I dropped the weight the second week.  While I do think my body is in physical shock with these new workouts, according to the P90x3 planner, Tony doesn't ask you to take measurements or photos again until Week 4!  I don't think I will be able to wait that long, so I am going to stick to taking my full measurements and STATs every 2 weeks - it makes me feel good when I see small changes taking place by the small choices I've made each and every day. 

In the meantime, here is my BEFORE P90x3 Photo and Day 1 STATS!  I can't wait to see what transformations take place by Day 14!!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


“I Don’t Have Time” is a Big Fat Lie I know we’ve all said it before. We say “I don’t have time” when life gets busy or when we don’t want to feel guilty about skipping something:

ü  If we don’t have enough time to work out, it’s easier for us to be okay with wheezing after a flight of stairs.

ü  If we don’t have enough time to prepare healthy meals, it’s easier to accept our next unhealthy meal through a drive-thru window.

ü  If we don’t have enough time to clean the house, it’s easier to accept living in filth.

ü  If we don’t have time to apply for new jobs and make new connections, it’s easier to accept staying in a dead-end job.

It’s not that we don’t have time… It’s that it’s not a priority… Starting today, you are no longer allowed to utter the words: “I don’t have time”…Instead, you will say, “It’s not a priority.”… Watch how quickly your perspective shifts when looking at life’s challenges this way:

ü  “I’d love to work out, I just don’t have time” becomes “exercising isn’t a priority.”

ü  “I’d love to eat healthier, but I don’t have time to cook” becomes “eating healthy isn’t a priority.”

ü  “I don’t have time to travel” becomes “traveling isn’t a priority.“

Suddenly, the excuse of time becomes an incredibly weak argument. Crap. Stings a bit, huh? The real truth… How you choose to spend your time defines your priorities. I spent MANY years telling myself that I wanted to lose weight, but I never seem to find the time. It wasn’t because I didn’t have enough time, it’s because I never made it a priority! After lying to myself for years, I finally started taking action.

Your priorities, whether you say so or not, are where you choose to spend those hours. Make the most of them! It’s amazing how much time you can find when you minimize the things that aren’t important to make room for the things that are. Where are you spending your time? Just like keeping a food journal can be eye-opening, try tracking your time over the next few days in 30-minute blocks. How much time do you spend on the computer, watching TV, etc.? I bet you’ll be surprised. I challenge you, starting today, to erase the phrase “I don’t have time” from your vocabulary. Instead, say “it’s not a priority.”


Monday, March 10, 2014

“You can be the PROBLEM, or the SOLUTION”

Planning to work out doesn’t count as a workout. Good intentions don’t show up on your body. What I am trying to say is that you are going to have to SHOW up every day and give it all you got. If you start skipping workouts and hitting the drive thru the only person you are cheating is YOU and that’s something I don’t want to see happen!

What I’m saying is the buck STOPS with you! You have to be committed to making this change and it’s something you are going to have to work on daily. You can’t expect to wake up overnight and have rock solid willpower. Sticking to commitments comes from doing what you say you are going to do over and over again. The more times you follow through on what you say you are going to do, the more self-trust you build and the more discipline you acquire.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

STATurday: My Journey with Shakeology and FOCUS T25

I have officially completed the FOCUS T25 program and have achieved amazing results! 

Check out my BEFORE & AFTER photos (I'm wearing the SAME clothes in both photos!!!) and STATS below:
As you can see, I have lost a total of 13 pounds since I started on this journey!  The number 152 has not been seen for nearly 5 years and I am so thankful and happy right now.  I have lost a total of 5.4 inches around my waist and down nearly 10% in body fat.  Say WHAT?!?! 

I am incredibly excited and happy with these results.  It was a lot of work and there were many days where I wanted to quit, but because of the support I had with my challenge groups and the amazing program - I didn't give up.  I didn't stop.  I FINISHED and NAILED IT! 

With the help of my Energy & Endurance Formula first thing in the morning, my amazing Chocolate Vegan Shakeology, Nutrition Plan (EATING CLEAN), and support from my Facebook challenge groups, friends and family - I was able to achieve these results!  Being active, eating clean, and working out has now become a LIFESTYLE and I love being to help others on their own journey as well.

I am really excited to start another journey with P90X3 and seeing out that program pans out.  My overall desired weight goal for 2014 is to be between 140-145 pounds.  If I can get there, I will have reached my initial goal of losing 20 pounds.  I am already over half way there and can't wait to continue on this journey.

Stay turned for my next journey story with P90X3 and Shakeology!  Also, check out the next challenge groups I have coming up this year by visiting my Challenge Details & Registration page on my blog. 

I hope that you can join me on the next journey and that I have inspired you to "JUST DO IT".

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Why should I do yoga?

Woman Doing a Yoga Pose

Yoga is INCREDIBLY GOOD for you!
There's a good reason it's been around for thousands of years. Yoga trains all of the muscles in the body to work in harmony. This does not just include voluntary muscles (prime mover and stabilizer) but involuntary muscles (smooth and cardiac) as well, resulting in a workout that's more like a full-body tonic than a sweat or pump fest. A regular yoga practice almost ensures that you'll age gracefully and sleep incredibly well!

So what are you waiting for?  Google "Yoga Studios in YOUR CITY" and get OUT there.  Get HEALTHY!  And know that the people that you will meet at yoga studios are lovely, inspiring and motivating.

Monday, March 3, 2014


GIVE IT YOUR ALL:  Embrace your sore muscles! Know that every achy body part is becoming healthier and stronger. Don't forget to stretch your muscles to help recover and gain more flexibility.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

6 Reasons Why Exercise Makes Us Happier!

I've heard people tell me all my life that exercise can make you a happier person.  I never really believed them until I've been doing it consecutively 5 days a week since the first of this year.  I've noticed that my stress levels and mood have vastly improved for myself.  Additionally, I am not craving those sweets or comfort foods anymore.  So, I thought would look into this a little further and see what those top reasons are for exercise making us so happy.  Here is what I've found:

1. It releases happy chemicals into your brain.
Dopamine, a chemical that plays a role in happiness, is a neurotransmitter in the brain that’s necessary for feelings of pleasure and happiness.

Many studies suggest that as we age, we’re constantly losing our stores of dopamine, which is why we need to constantly seek out experiences that release dopamine.

The best way to increase your brain’s dopamine production? Exercise. So run, lift, jump, play — and get happy.

2. It makes you less stressed out.

Not only will working out ease stress in the short term by helping you sweat out the day's worries, regular exercise will help you become less stressed out in the long term as well.

That’s because when you exercise, you’re actually subjecting yourself to a low-level form of stress by raising your heart rate and triggering a burst of hormonal changes. When you subject yourself to the stress of exercise enough, your body will eventually get better at handling the rest of life's stressors.

And less stress equals a happier, healthier life.

3. It energizes you.

You no doubt have days when you just feel too tired to exercise, when working out is the last thing in the world you want to do.

But no matter how exhausted you are from a long day at work, taking care of your family or recovering from a busy weekend, do your best to muster up all the willpower you have and still work out, because more likely than not, you'll feel more energized after your workout than you did before it.

So the next time you force yourself to get off the couch and get into workout mode, you’ll most likely feel more energized throughout the rest of the day. And more energy equals greater happiness.

4. It boosts your confidence.

When you don't feel good about your body or how you look, it's all too easy to have low self-esteem. And that can have a negative effect on all areas of your life including your relationships, your career, and your goals and aspirations.

But when you start to exercise and see your body transform, that can quickly change. Because exercise will not only make you like how you look, it will also make you feel stronger, more independent, and more confident. There's nothing like a boost in confidence to increase overall happiness. 

5. It eases anxiety.

If you suffer from anxiety, exercise may be a simple cure.

Because recent studies on the effects of exercise show that in people suffering from anxiety, the immediate mood boost from exercise is followed by longer-term relief, similar to that offered by
meditation and talk therapy.

So next time you’re feeling anxious, try a hard workout — you’ll feel happier for days on end.

6. It fights insomnia.

Trouble sleeping? Skip the sleeping pill and try exercising instead.

Staying active and exercising on a regular basis has been shown to improve sleeping problems of insomniacs and people with sleeping disorders. And not only can regular exercise significantly improve your sleep quality, it can also give you that pep that makes you want to get out of bed in the morning and do things.

And that equals greater happiness, every time.

Exercise, and be happy.

The next time you’re feeling down, stressed or anxious, get off the couch and get some exercise instead.

Because you'll not only feel more confident, energized, and calm — you’ll be a healthier and happier person for life.


Saturday, March 1, 2014

STATurday: My Journey with T25 and Shakeology

Well folks - today marks the completion of my 9th week of T25 and drinking Shakeology.  I am SUPER excited to say that I have lost a grand total of 11 pounds since I started this journey on December 31st. 

Since last STATurday, I've lost a healthy 1 pound of additional weight.  I am currently at 154 pounds and am so incredibly happy.  I have not seen that number in nearly 5 years and it makes me really proud of myself. 

Next STATurday, I will be posting my final measurements, weight, and before/after photo.  Week 10 of T25 is the final week!!!  I can't believe that this journey is nearly over.  I am so thankful that I was introduced to such an amazing workout program and product.