Monday, March 31, 2014

MOTIVATION MONDAY: Excuses, Get Rid of Them

In life, we make a lot excuses:

- I was too busy this week
- I had a long day
- I am too tired
- I didn't get up to workout because it was still dark outside.

What it really comes down to is that whatever goal you keep creating an excuse for, is really not a priority to you right now.  Think about that a second.  You're not making yourself a priority!  When you make that mentle shift and start to think differently about an excuse and what it really means deep down - you will find that every excuse comes down to you just not making it a priority.  

I thought this poster above was the perfect example of what we say to others and what it really comes down to what's happening with ourselves.  The heart of the matter... 

So my motivation for you today is this:  do you want a healthy, happy and pure life where you're willing to make THAT a priority in your life?  If so, then knock it off with the excuses and JUST DO IT!  Make that promise to yourself - make YOURSELF a priority! 

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