Sunday, April 6, 2014

STATurday: My Journey with P90x3 and Shakeology

Hello from Sanibel, FL! 

It has already been amazing trip here in paradise.  Sunsets, beaches, beautiful weather, nice people, and lots to do!  

Since I'm on vacation - I am a bit out if routine but I've noticed that many of my habits I've continued while being in vacation when it comes to food.  Additionally, my fiancée and I have rented bikes while on the island, so we bike every where - which is great exercise and better for the environment.  😊

If you're looking for a nice tropical retreat - you should consider this area.  It's really beautiful.  

Photo Above: Sunset off Sanibel Island 

I am no where near a scale or a tape measure while I'm out here - but I can tell you that the way I FEEL in my swimming suit is incredible!!! I love how since doing p90x3 my body has started to tone out and slim down more.  I can also really start to see my abs become more defined.  ☺️ Who knew those were there?!?! 

As with anything in life, one must take it one day at a time.  I'm enjoying myself while on vacation, but still using my head when it comes to food and exercise.  I don't want to lose all that hard work I've put into myself and body just because of a vacation! 😊  

The goal is always to have healthy, happy and pure life.  

Photo above:  Me and Johnny - Selfie on out Sunset Cruise

Above photo:  Panoramic Photo of Captiva Island - Gorgeous! 

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