Sunday, January 4, 2015

7 Day Shakeology & Clean Eating Group - COMING SOON!

I am SO excited.  My first group of 2015 is going to be my 7 Day Shakeology & Clean Eating Group starting Monday, January 19, 2015.

If you're looking for a way to jump-start your weight loss, increase your energy, improve your digestion and nutrition and work on better eating habits - this will be a GREAT group for you. :)

- It's only 7 days.  C'mon - you can do anything for 7 days!
- You'll be provided with a FREE meal plan - No meal planning guesswork!!!  :)
- Daily Accountability from me (your coach) and other members of the group.
- You'll get to sample #Shakeology instead of buying the 30 day package to see if you like it.  7 days worth!
- I will be posting information and tips to help motivate you and help you achieve your goals throughout the week.  I'll also be working with you one-on-one to help you get started.

It has been roughly a year now since I decided to commit to a Beachbody program, drink Shakeology daily, and all around just be a better and healthier person.  It was a very difficult road in the beginning - the battling of "inner demons" and negative thoughts about the way I looked and that I was never going to look "good enough".  The constant urge to eat something sweet and "eat my feelings" or "stress eating".  Yes - I've been there... But, I am here to tell you that there is hope.  I'm now 20 pounds lighter, am nothing but positive to MYSELF, and have been able to help others on their own journey as well.  If I wouldn't have had Beachbody or the support from my coach and other group challengers, I don't think I would have been as successful as I was.  No, I KNOW that I wouldn't have been as successful.

If you'll let me - I want to help YOU achieve the same results that I did (if not more!!) and this will be a great group to help you move towards that first step.

If you're interested in this group, please let me know soon and I'll send you further details.  I am only going to open this group up to 5 people MAX, as I want to dedicate my time and truly help those that are committed and interested in getting started one-on-one.  First come, first serve.

To get started, simply fill out this form so I can learn more about you and your reason for wanting to join this group:

I look forward to helping you on your journey.

Coach Melissa McKim

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