I know many people struggle with the nutrition aspect of weight loss and health. Here are some basic tips to get yourself on the right track to eating for your best self!
*Eating 4-6 small meals a day is usually better than 3 large meals. I have found that it really helps to keep the blood sugar levels even throughout the day as well - no 3pm crashes or sugar cravings!
*The less ingredients something has, the better - and if there are ingredients you can't pronounce or don't know of, it's best to steer clear. They say a good "rule of thumb" is to not purchase anything that has more than 5 ingredients in it. Normally, anything more than 5 ingredients probably has chemicals in it that you don't really want to put into your body.
*Keeping yourself hydrated is so important! Drink at least 64 ounces per day! I always bring a water bottle to work and have a sparkling water with lemon or lime flavor at lunch (for something a little different).
*Eat breakfast within an hour of waking up each day. I drink Shakeology every morning after I work out - it is light enough to not make me feel sick but strong enough to help me last for 3 hours until my next meal.
*Avoid WHITE! This includes white sugar, white flour, and white bread. SO IMPORTANT!
*Get enough fruits and veggies per day! I normally always have 2-3 cups of veggies at lunch and dinner. I will also eat a banana and apple or pear during the day. YUM!
*It's best to cut out most (if not all) soda, high-calorie juices, and limit alcohol consumption (for optimal results). STAY AWAY FROM THE DIET SODAS! Instead, have a sparkling water - it helps curb the soda craving as well as adds some carbonated bubbles to your day! :)
*Keep in mind proper portion sizes. You may think you're eating the right foods, but if your portions are out of whack, it's counterproductive. I have tons of measuring cups throughout the house to help me MEASURE everything I add to my plate. You can go to WalMart or Target and get some measuring cups for $2 - get a couple of them so you can keep them in your cereal boxes, etc.
*Get in 2 servings of healthy fats per day - canola oil, flaxseeds, salmon, hazelnuts, olive oil, avocado, etc.
*When dining out, look for items that are "baked", "grilled", "dry-sauteed", "broiled", "roasted", "poached", or "steamed".
*Avoid: "breaded", "au gratin (with cheese)", "casserole", "carbonara", "creamy", "sauteed", "tempura", "gravy", "fried", or "bisque".
Anyone, feel free to add your own tips, as well! :-)
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